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Secure job interviews using CV360 our professional CV scanner

CV360 is ideal for academic institutions, HR services and outplacement companies, this AI-powered CV scanner enables clients to easily and effectively scale up the delivery of personalised, high-quality CV support to their users.

CV360 gives instant feedback for users

Let our AI CV scanner boost employability rates.

CV360 scores a CV against more than 50 checks that commonly trip up an ATS, annoy a hiring manager or get a CV deprioritised.

Within seconds, users receive detailed feedback on file, presentation, structure, content, skills and language– including unique checks such as time-to-read, average sentence length, employability skills and skills dominance.

All of these are designed to free up time for career support services to focus on higher-value CV support

Key features of our CV Scanner

Find out how a CV checker can help.

  • Smart scoring - Instant, personalised feedback to boost CV quality with over 50 automated checks across 6 categories including: file, presentation, structure, content, skills, language.
  • Scalable model- Unlimited users/usage ensures every user can improve their CV quality without restriction.
  • Advice & guidance – Learning resources build knowledge and confidence with employer insight and best practices.
  • Tracking & reporting - Dedicated reporting function shows institution-wide usage, CV score averages and improvements/gain.

Expand your employability tools with Intervew360

Offering real-life interview experience is the natural next step.

Once users have scanned and improved their CV using CV360 users can take a video mock interview based on their CV, using our Video interview simulator, receiving instant AI feedback on their communication, body language and speech.

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